Linux vs Unix - Which one is more secure

April 20, 2022

Linux vs Unix - Which one is more secure

When it comes to operating systems, two names that come to mind are Linux and Unix. Both have a reputation for being secure operating systems, but which one is more secure?


Linux is known for being highly configurable, which makes it a popular choice for developers and system administrators. It is an open-source operating system, meaning that anyone can access and modify its source code. This feature makes it easy for developers to find and patch security vulnerabilities quickly.

According to a report by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), in 2021, there were only 154 Linux vulnerabilities compared to 270 in 2020, which shows a significant improvement in security.


Unix is a proprietary operating system, meaning that its source code is not publicly available. This lack of transparency makes it more difficult for developers to identify and patch security vulnerabilities.

In the same NIST report, statistics showed that in 2021, there were 849 Unix vulnerabilities compared to 992 vulnerabilities in 2020. The decrease in vulnerabilities is promising but still a significant number compared to Linux.

Which One is More Secure?

Based on the numbers from the NIST report, it is clear that Linux has had fewer vulnerabilities in recent years compared to Unix. However, this doesn't mean that Linux is automatically more secure than Unix.

Security is a complex issue that involves many different factors, including the strength of passwords, the use of firewalls, and the implementation of other security protocols.

In conclusion, both Linux and Unix are secure operating systems in their own way, and their security can be improved through proper implementation and maintenance.


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